Watch Picture Claire online for free at HD quality, full-length film. Watch Picture Claire movie online for free. The movie Picture Claire has got high rating, from many total votes for watching this cinema online. Watch this on the blog. After her Montreal apartment burns down and her possessions are reduced to ash, Claire Beaucage heads to her boyfriend's place in Toronto, only to find that he's missing. Then the police mistake her for Lily Warden, a sinister woman who killed a local gangster and happens to live in the same building as Claire's boyfriend. The police pursue a bewildered Claire while a gang of criminals chases after Lily.
Year: 2001
Genre : Thriller
Runtime: 91 minutes
Release Date: 2001-09-10
Actors : Juliette Lewis, Gina Gershon, Mickey Rourke, Callum Keith Rennie, Camilla Rutherford