Watch Hunger online for free at HD quality, full-length film. Watch Hunger cinema online for free. The movie Hunger has got high rating, from many total votes for watching this cinema online. Watch this on the web. A sensitive writer from a small town faces spiritual crisis as he tries to make it as a Hollywood screenwriter. Charlie Pontus (Joseph Culp) wanders around Los Angeles torn between his efforts to sell a screenplay and find his next meal. His natural optimism keeps him afloat as he walks the tight-rope between his love for the beautiful, exotic Ylayali (Kathleen Luong) and his desperate connection to The Chief (Robert Culp), the Hollywood producer who has the power to give life or take it away. Stubbornly refusing to relinquish his principles, he sinks deeper and deeper into spiritual crisis, finally confronting God in a Jobian showdown.
Year: 2001
Genre : Drama
Runtime: 82 minutes
Release Date: 2001-01-13
Actors : Joseph Culp, Robert Culp, Redmond Gleeson, Daniel Franklin, James Evans