Watch The 40th Door online for free at HD quality, full-length movie. Watch The 40th Door cinema online for free. The movie The 40th Door has got high rating, from many total votes for watching this movie online. Watch this on the blog. Fourteen-year-old Rustam lives with his mother in a village; his father was killed by the Russian mafia. After his father's death, Rustam tries to provide for himself and his mother without resorting to illegal money-making schemes. But his dream is to join a music band. The title of the film refers to an Azerbaijani fairy tale about saving a princess from a house with 40 doors; no one has succeeded in opening the last door, and thus its secret remains hidden. The villagers have named their village the 40th door as well.
Year: 2009
Genre : Drama
Runtime: 82 minutes
Release Date: 2009-02-25
Actors : Hasan Safarov, Rovshan Aghayev, Gular Nabiyeva, Elmira Shabanova, Rafig Azimov