Watch Wrong Numbers online for free at HD quality, full-length movie. Watch Wrong Numbers movie online for free. The movie Wrong Numbers has got high rating, from many total votes for watching this film online. Watch this on the blog. James wants to have fun, but cynically realizes that life has little fun to offer. Turning nineteen has been a souring experience filled with disappointments. The added pressures of manhood have begun to weigh in as friends become scarce. He needs a good night out and his only hope lies with his best friend Russell, whose own world was perfect until his girlfriend, Jennifer, announced that she was "going out with some other guy" that night. The two nineteen-year-old men simply want to forget their individual problems over a few beers and set out into the underage world where strange things happen. Bad directions, bad luck, and teenage-harassing cops stand in the way of these two slackers as they hopelessly meander through the streets of Austin, Texas trying to buy a case of beer. Their patience and worries are pushed to the limit until they are forced to do the unthinkable.
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