Watch The Burnt House online for free at HD quality, full-length film. Watch The Burnt House movie online for free. The movie The Burnt House has got high rating, from many total votes for watching this movie online. Watch this on the blog. The Burnt House is the story of Megan and Joe, a couple who have recently experienced the death their infant son to SIDS. The tragedy has spawned a rift between the two and driven Megan into a secret affair. After Joe loses his mother to a heart attack the couple moves out to Joe's rural childhood home seeking a fresh start. Once in the isolated home strange things begin to occur and long kept secrets try and dig their way out of the past. What happened on November 3rd? Will it happen again?
Year: 2009
Genre : Horror, Thriller, Drama
Release Date: 2009-06-06
Actors : J.D. Brown, Michael Cardinali, Joe Hiatt, Monica Knight, Kathy Kriner